The INBDE is an examination foreign-trained dentists must take and pass in order to earn admission into any advanced standing programs in the US dental schools. This article is a COMPLETE GUIDE TO THE INBDE and the necessary steps required, questions usually asked, study material which students find helpful etc for the INBDE examination. It is a crucial step forward which is a must for all international dentists seeking to be dentists in the US.

Complete Guide To The INBDE
1. What Is The INBDE?
Integrated National Board Dental Examination, or the INBDE as we call it, is a test designed to integrate the biomedical, clinical, and behavioral sciences and evaluate the dental cognitive skills of international candidates seeking to earn admission into advanced standing programs in the US dental schools. The INBDE became effective on August 1, 2020, and is comparable to the National Board Dental Examination (NBDE) test conducted earlier for attending dental school and gaining licensure in the US. So basically, it’s the same test that international dentists gave earlier in 2 parts called the NBDE 1 and the NBDE 2. Now they are taken collectively and are called the INBDE instead.
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2. How Does It Differ From The Earlier NBDE?
The Joint Commission on National Dental Examinations (JCNDE) formulated this new integrated examination to adapt to the changes in the educational curriculum and instructional methods over the years. The INBDE has the same overall purpose as the earlier NBDE Part 1 and Part 2, including a similar study syllabus. The main difference is that, unlike the earlier two parts that could be given at different times, the new test needs to be given as one examination all at once for one and a half days.

3. Is It A Pass And Fail Test, Or Do We Get A Score?
The INBDE is designed to be scored as a pass or fail test, and numerical scores are not provided to candidates. Though scores are not given, the exam’s attempt is definitely counted and appears in the final report. It is always better to pass these competitive exams on the first attempt, as candidates with multiple attempts will definitely be at a disadvantage when applying to competitive schools. Most schools do keep in mind the number of attempts needed to clear the exam. Hence, it is good to attempt the test when thoroughly prepared to avoid a failed attempt.
4. What If We Fail The INBDE?
Similar to the NBDE part 1 and 2, those candidates who do not manage to clear the exam in the first attempt can retake it. However, certain rules have changed regarding retakes. Candidates are eligible to appear up to 5 attempts for the examination and must wait for a minimum of 90 days between each unsuccessful test attempt and post their third failed attempt; candidates must wait for at least one year before reappearing for the test.
5. Where Can The Exam Be Taken?
International candidates cannot appear for the INBDE from the comfort of their home country. The INBDE can be taken only in the US and Canada and requires candidates to fly to these countries to take this exam.
6. Steps To Register For The INBDE!!
In this complete guide to the INBDE, we are going to explain the steps which should be taken to register for the INBDE
a) Certificate Of Eligibility.
Candidates who are still in their internship or pursuing dentistry in their home country need to submit a Certificate of eligibility for INBDE with their Deans signature to JCNDE, which is a part of the American Dental Association (ADA).
Graduates do not need to submit a certificate of eligibility to JCNDE and can go ahead with the next step directly.
b) Creating A Dentpin Number.
The next step involves creating a dentpin number on the (American Dental Association) ADA website.
c) Course By Course Evaluation.
Next, the candidates should request a course-by-course evaluation after making a profile on the Educational Credential Evaluators website (ECE).
This step requires certain documents to be submitted to ECE, after which candidates get a grading or a GPA. Candidates should request a copy of the ECE report to be sent to JCNDE.
d) Registration For The INBDE
Once JCNDE/ ADA receives the ECE evaluation, they send a confirmation email to candidates, and now the candidate is eligible to take the INBDE.
e) Payment For The Test
A login with dentpin is required, along with a payment of 680 dollars by credit card, and then the exam can be scheduled on the Prometric website.

7. The Question Format And Time Duration For The INBDE.
The new INBDE is a 500 question test spanning over one and a half days with 360 questions asked on the first day at the Prometric examination center and in the majority consists of case-based questions. The first day has three sessions of 100 questions each and a duration of 1 hour 45 minutes for each session, and the last session has 60 case-based questions to be completed in 1 hour 45 mins. The second day is a half-day exam where 140 questions will be asked in two sessions of 1 hour 45 mins each. Breaks are given between each session.
8. Questions Asked In INBDE.
The syllabus for the exam consists of questions asked in earlier NBDE exams. YEarlier, NBDE Part 1 tested what most dental schools teach in the early part of the curriculum, and part 2 was mainly clinically relevant. Now the exam has all sorts of questions from both parts like case-based along with regular questions comprising of diagnosis and treatment planning including all aspects of diagnosis, assessment, physical evaluation of the structure, appearance and function, underlying conditions, and psychological, social, and behavioral influences to derive an accurate diagnosis as well as safe treatment alternatives for any patient.
9. Study Material For The INBDE.
We should discuss the study material in this complete guide to the INBDE otherwise it will not be completed. There is plenty of study material available for candidates to pass the INBDE, such as the Dental Deck, Dental Mastery App, Mosby, Kaplan, Dentin as well the First Aid book. Additionally, there are many helpful files available online and supplementary study material online in the various study groups in social media.
a) Dental Decks
Dental decks are available in various formats such as flashcards, booklets, online practice tests, etc. I would highly recommend the Dental Decks as study material, and it is available in both print and online options. Dental decks offer users access to more than 2,700 comprehensive flashcards spanning key study areas tested in the INBDE. Cards are classified into 16 areas of study, allowing users flexibility to break down areas that they are weak at. Additionally, it consists of an oral pathology booklet with 95 oral pathology photos and radiographs. A mobile app for the Dental Decks is going to be launched soon, which should be user-friendly.
You can access more details from the website:
b) My Dental Mastery App
The My Dental Mastery App is an INBDE preparation mobile app from the makers of Dental Mastery, and I personally found it very helpful. The best part is that you can access it anytime while traveling, between breaks at work, or even randomly at your leisure. There are useful mnemonics, practice questions, and terminologies sections, which are quite easy to understand. You can do a free trial for a few days and get limited access to know the app and how it works best. It has over 2,000 practice questions and clinical case questions with explanations and photographs etc. the app can be downloaded on the Ipad, phone, computer and is very handy.
You can access the app at
Kaplan is another alternative study material available for the INBDE. It includes a question bank, along with test analyses and mock tests. The unique feature is that there is a timed mode to select and simulate the actual exam while answering questions. Additionally, it shows your score report similar to the JCNDEs official scoring blueprint, which is a great feature.
You can access the question bank at Kaplan’s INBDE question bank or at
DENTIN’s high yield INBDE study guide has over 2,100 plus exam questions covering all material tested on the INBDE. It includes a fully detailed oral pathology section with 125 plus photos and several hundred questions to fully prepare for the test.
It can be accessed at DENTIN’s INBDE at and also can be downloaded as an online pdf

Related Articles:
- Eligibility Requirements for NBDE Part 1 Exam
- Preparing for NBDE as an International Dentist
- Who Should Write My Letter Of Recommendation?
- NBDE Part 1 Pass Rate for International Students
- Should I Take the NBDE 2?
- Pass the NBDE Exam: International Students
- NBDE Pass/Fail
10. Preparation Time Required!
Now that you have all the required information with the help of this complete guide to the INBDE, it is the time to start preparing. The INBDE is not an exam that should be taken lightly by candidates. You may already know how to prepare for NBDE exam. This INDBE exam requires as well a thorough understanding of clinical and basic science content by foreign-trained dentists wanting to pursue dentistry in the USA. Hence, investing optimum time and effort is essential to pass the INBDE. On average, depending upon their individual capability, candidates take on average between 6-12 months of preparation time to be ready for the exam. Since this is a cumulative exam comprising both NBDE part 1 and part 2, time, effort should be given to prepare, and only when well prepared should a test date be taken.
What about horn of african counteries?
Not sure I understand the question. Everyone interested in getting into a US or Canadian dental school needs to complete the iNBDE before applying, irrespective of what your home country is. Hope that helps!
Hi, can I send the transcripts to ECE on my own or should I send them via my university?
Thanks for the question. This should provide full details:
Hi.. What are the requirements for an internationally trained pediatric dentist to be eligible to apply for pediatric dentistry board examination?
Hi M,
In most cases, you’ll need to obtain either a 4 year full DMD or DDS dental degree, a 2 year Advanced Standing Degree (DMD/DDS), or complete a residency in pediatrics. The last option is one that is most variable and really is dependent upon both the residency program itself and the state that you’re interested in practicing, as to whether that option can result in you practicing pediatrics.
You might find this article helpful:
If we can excel in this exam how many days will our eligibility be valid to join university?
Once you pass the iNBDE, I believe this score will last indefinitly. Here’s a quote from the CAAPID site:
However, as mentioned in their FAQ, some Advanced Standing programs will prefer or even require you apply within a certain amount of time of completing the iNBDE (I’ve heard 5 years for some). You’d need to review each program you’re interested in to see if they include such a limitation in their application requirements.
HELLO,, I am a internatioanl trained dentist fro pakistan ,, after clearing INBDE , what is the next step ,, should i have to do ielts and than DDS ???
Hello Nazia,
It will depend on your background and what you are looking for. I recommend to take a paid hourly consultation with one of our staff here: and they will give you the best advice based on your background.
Wish you the best of luck in your journey!
Hello doctor , I need guidance about exam , can you help me please . I’m from Pakistan
We’re always happy to help! Please send us a message with more details about your situation:
What’s the expiration date for inbde for foreign international dentists?
Hello Acmaa,
The results of the INBDE have not expiration date, but some dental schools will asks thats the results doesn´t have more than 5 years or 3 years.
Wish you the best of luck in your journey!
Should I apply for admission first or should I apply for inbde first ? I am confused please answer this
Hello Fatima,
You should apply for INBDE first, because one requirement the schools asks is for the INBDE results.
Wish you the best of luck in your journey!
Hi do you get the license to practise after This exam
?how long is the journey
Hello, Atiya,
The INBDE is an requirement many Universities ask for to apply for a dental program. It will not give you a license to practice dental in the US. The long of the journey depends of the path you take. Hope it helps. Wish the best of luck in your journey!
hello dear is there any chance for INDBE in turkey ?
Hello Saeed,
The INBDE Exam takes place only in the US.
Hi, how long does JCNDE take to send the confirmation email after they receive the ECE report?
Hey, Elizabet,
We would guess one to two weeks, but we’re not sure and there doesn’t seem to be any clear information.
Wish you the best luck in your journey!
Hi, has ADA any way to contact with them via chat? I haven been waiting for the confirmation email after they received the ECE report but no luck yet and it will be a month next week
Hi, how can I register for dentpin from over seas
Hello Abrar,
Enter the ADA website and follow the instructions. Here is the website:
Wish you the best of luck in your journey!
Hi, do they have a way I can contact them via chat? It will be a month already next week and I haven’t gotten the email yet, thanks
Hi I have WES Evaluation done. Can I book the exam.?
Hello Pihu,
I believe you can take the Exam, but I think you should contact the Dentist Board and ask them before booking the exam.
Wish you the best of luck in your journey!
Hello. I’m a foreign trained dentist. I want to know what is the license exam to practice as a dental hygienist in USA? Does it have similar requirements and steps as the INBDE? And is it mandatory to get into a dental hygiene program as well? Would appreciate some information on this.
Hello Mehmal,
This is not our area of expertise but each state has its own rules and requirements, I encourage you to look into the dental hygienist board of the state you want to apply to and try to contact them to ask for more details! I wish you the best of luck!
Hi, what is the next step after passing the extam ? Could I work as general practicer or even a dental assistant in USA?
Thank in advance
Hello Mehmal,
After passing the exam the next step is to apply to CAAPID Cycle and after that you can work as a dentist ins the US.
Wish you the best of luck in your journey!
I am a foreign dentist who is planning to study for question is the dentpin and ECE scores have an expiry date?…i mean i can have them already before registering for board exam for like next year?…or i can just apply for dentpin and ece evaluation some month the board exam?
Hello Mona,
I believe it does not have an expiry date, but you can confirm that on their website here
Hope it helps, and let me know if you have more questions!
Is it necessary to Show TOFEL score along with INBDE Pass sheet at the applied University or IELTS score would do instead of TOFEL?
hi, after clearing INDBE can I apply directly to a residency program in any specialty like OMFS?
Hello Sahil,
Yes, after clearing INDBE you can apply directly to a residency program, and it depends on the state you want to practice your dentistry career.
This article we´ve written will help you and this another article will give you a view of which option will fit best for you.
Hope this helps you!
Don´t hesitate to write us if you have more questions! Thank you!!
Thanks for the information.
It’s quite helpful.
I’m currently in my final year in Nigerian dental school.
How best could you advise me on when to start preparing for the exam.
Also,those study materials are there any which is free to use.
Hello Gafar,
The best time to start preparing for your exam is today if you can. Also, it depends on when you wanna take the exam! If you are planning to take the exam next year I recommend to start now preparing!
The study materials, unfortunately, I don´t know if there are any free to-use, but these articles may help you:
Wish you the best of luck in your journey!
Hi Shrerry,
I am an international dentist, I have a registered ADA pin and have my credentials accredited from ECE. How do I register for Part 1 NDBE?
Hi Preet! The boards are integrated now – INBDE. There’s no Part I or Part II. This is a good starting place for your research on how to apply for the exam:
Hi sherry, I am a second year dental student looking for some help, better sense of direction and some advice. Would you be so kindly to assist?
Hi Tawannah! If you’d be interested, I’d recommend doing a coaching session with Dr. Alyssa so she can get a comprehensive understanding of your candidacy and recommend the best way going forward. She can take a look at you applications and discuss how to approach things this time to make you a more competitive candidate. This will be a paid session, and you can sign up for that here:
if i passed inbde ,which jobs can i work while studying the 2 years of advanced program ?
Hi there! You can either shadow or be a dental assistant in a clinic.
Hi is working as a dental assistant and preceptorship etc are crucial for acceptance into advance standing program? or is there someone here who applied directly after housejob and got in? if yes what were the plus points of your CV?
Hi Shumalia! It’s a good idea to have it; the vast majority of candidates do. However, the competitiveness of your overall candidacy depends on all the other factors going on in your experience, as well as how you put it together in the form of an application. If I had to give a yes or no answer, I’d say yes, try to get some. However, because I don’t know your full background and goals, it’s hard to say just how important it is to get the experience.
Hi is working as a dental assistant and preceptorship etc are crucial for acceptance into advance standing program? or is there someone here who applied directly after housejob and got in? if yes what were the plus points of your CV.
Hi. I am in USA right now. I just completed BDS from India. I want to know if i take INBDE in USA will i get admission into DDS in USA as well as in Canada advanced dental program? Is INBDE valid for admission in DDS in Canada too?
Hi Shaikh! The INBDE is accepted in all U.S. states and territories as fulfilling all or part of the written examination requirements for licensure. For specific details, clarifications, and updated policies, please refer to Canada dental board’s website.
Hello, I wanted to ask how long the INBDE score is valid for applying?
Hi there! Your INBDE scores are valid for three years from the exam date.
HI , is it necessary to take TOFEL exam before INBDE for International dentists or can be taken later after INBDE
Hi Anu! Here’s a step-by-step guide article to becoming an international dentist in the US:
As this is pass or fail type of exam, on what basis we can get top universities
I’m from pakistan and my USA visa B1/b2 visa refused on 11 jan 2023 how can i come to USA to take my inbde exam in USA how can i get my b1/b2 visa approved in order to take my exam can inbde test conducting team help me in my visa approval?
Hi there! We are, unfortunately, not immigration experts. We work with Advanced Standing applicants, and most of them already have the immigration aspect figured out.
My gpa is 2.3 . So will be able to get into universities ? Is this gpa accepted
Hi there! Your GPA is not the only factor that the admissions committee would consider. They will also look at your experience, application documents, and other things. Many schools will require a GPA of 2 or higher to apply because a C is usually required to pass a class in the states. Also, many schools have higher standards and will ask for a minimum of 2.5 or 3 to apply as anything less than a GPA of 3 is considered to be poor to mediocre.
Can you tell how did your interview go?
Hello. I’m fourth year dental student in India. I plan to give INBDE one month after my final exams are finished ( final exam had all 8 dental specialties as subjects ). So Is one month preparation plus preparation for final year ( of clinical subjects for 6 months ) enough for me to pass the exam in one go?
Hi Parishi! We cannot confirm that. Passing the exam will depend on how you are prepared for it. Personally, I started studying during half of my internship, giving one hour a day for six months and 6- 8 hours a day during the last two months before the exam. Apply for the exam only when you have gone through the syllabus once and acquainted yourself with the content.
I would recommend giving yourself at least three months of intensive study to prepare for this exam, depending on your individual study habits. Some people may need more than three months, while others can get it done in a much shorter time. In my opinion, it is better to study and learn some new things over a period of time rather than cram information in at the last minute. You do not want to be cramming for this exam!
How many INBDE exams are there per year?
Hi George! We are not sure about that bu you need to schedule it at a testing center, there is no set a date for the test. It depends on the availability of the testing center close to you has.
Hi, can I give this exam after graduating, while doing housejob?
Hi Zainab! Yes, you can after graduating, but please take note you can only take the board in US and Canada.
Is there any chance in the near future for the INBDE exam to be taken outside of the US or Canada
Hi Adam! We can’t confirm that. If that happens, they will indeed announce it for sure on their website. Thanks!
Hi , I’m a international student of China (BDS) . Can I do this exam? Because I have not practical experience.
Hello Ela,
Yes, you can do this exam! You just need to study and prepare for the practice part of the exam! That commonly is the bench test.
Wish you the best of luck in your journey!
Hi, What is the maximum age to give INDBE?
Hi Tehrema! We, unfortunately, can’t confirm that. We suggest asking this directly to JCNDE for more accurate answer. Thanks!
Do I need to he graduated and have diploma in order to do the INBDE or I can pass it while still studying dentistry
Hi Pani! To be eligible to take the INBDE, you must: be registered as a senior student in the School of Dentistry; have successfully completed all first, second, and third-year curriculum requirements; and have successfully completed all competency examinations offered during the first, second, and third years of study.
Hi, I am a foreign qualified dentist and want to know about the steps to become a licensed dentist in US. Thank you
Hi Haseeb! This article will guide you with that. Click Here
Can’t I take inbde exam from india??
Hi! The INBDE can be taken only in the US and Canada and requires candidates to fly to these countries to take this exam.
Can you do a WES evaluation instead of an ECE evaluation of the transcripts?
Hi Arshad! ECE is your safest bet, and that’s the only company ADA will take, but some schools will give you an option of utilizing WES or even ask for it.
When are the exam dates for INBDE or when can I find those exam dates ?
Hi Karl! You’ll need to schedule your test, there isn’t a fixed date.
Hi do I have to send the transcripts from the university or the college for the ece evaluation
Hi Rita! Yes, you should request a copy of the ECE report to be sent to JCNDE. Thanks!