Are you confused if you should study by yourself or tag along with a partner to achieve your goal of acing the NBDE exams? Will studying with a partner make a difference? If you think you lack self- motivation; studying in a group might be beneficial for you. In this article, we’ll talk more about the benefits of group studying and how effective organization might help you make the process of acing your exam more enjoyable!

benefits of group studying

benefits of group studying

Benefits of group studying for your NBDE exams—Does it make a difference?

How often have you been unenthusiastic while doing a particular task but as soon as you talk or meet your friend/ partner, you are filled with good energy and positivity? Just like how our closest friends or life partners infuse us with positive energy; studying in groups could give you a similar effect. Finding the right study partner can be a boon in making studying more effective and enjoyable.

Your partner could be a colleague from your workplace, a batchmate from your dental school, somebody you bumped into through Facebook groups or someone who is preparing for their own respective exam but have the same goal of cracking it. If you can get with more than one person and form a group, it might even be better. 

Depending on your vicinity, you may study together in a library or at home. Even if there’s physical distance, you can plan out your schedules over phone or video calls.

Below are some benefits of studying in a group or studying with a partner:

1. Your discipline levels will increase significantly

Most likely, you will be setting common goals to be achieved daily which will create a positive pressure to complete the task at hand. Since you don’t want to be left behind at the schedule, you will be reminded again and again to finish the decided topic. If you plan to discuss the topic with your partner, it will be a further motivation to finish the decided task.

2. You can discuss questions and clarify concepts

You can mark out the things which are unclear and discuss your problems with your partner or the group. Research has proven that a concept is reinforced in your mind when you teach it to someone else. Your concepts will be a lot clearer. If there’s something that both you and your study partner don’t have an answer to, you can contact your school seniors or your previous dental professor. 

3. You will be able to check on each other

As you study with a partner, you are a lot less likely to procrastinate or get distracted. It’s going to be a healthy give-and-take relationship with your partner where you pick up the other when they fall behind their study goals and vice versa.

4. Reward days will be a lot more exciting!

Give yourselves incentives after a month or so of serious study. Just like you would have enjoyed studying together, similarly you will find joy in sharing your moments of fun!

5. You become a better human being

Studying with a partner can be a nourishing experience for you in terms of incorporating human values like selflessness and being adaptive. The journey to DDS will become a lot more interesting. A partner will bring in a different perspective and can broaden your horizons. 

You must find a partner with mental compatibility and the same level of commitment. It’s probably the best choice to choose a partner based on the date or time you plan to take the exam since you both will have a similar deadline to meet.

How did you study for your exams? Did you have a study partner or did you study alone? Do let us know in the comments below.

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